Looking for some help with writing a thank you note? This is a guide for how to write a thank you note in 6 easy steps!
With fast means of communication such as texting and emails, writing thank you notes seems to be a lost form of art in this day and age. However, this does not mean that they have lost their significance or meaning. Getting a handwritten note in the mail expressing gratitude is something that will never go out of style, and will always be appreciated by the recipient.
In this post, you are going to learn the importance of a thank you note, when to write a thank you note, and exactly how to write a thank you note.
After reading this post, you will be able to confidently sign your name to well-written thank you notes.
This post is all about how to write a thank you note.
The Importance Of A Thank You Note
Whether it be a note expressing gratitude for a gift or for an act of kindness, acknowledging people’s thoughtfulness and kindness is always in style. Chances are that that person went out of their way for you, and this deserves recognition, no matter how small the gesture. Taking ten minutes to write a thank you note will have an immeasurable impact, and the person will undoubtedly remember this.
Writing a thank you note shows an unmatched level of respect and politeness. Being able to timely and properly write a thank you note is a life skill that is unfortunately downplayed and under-taught. The gesture tends to slip people’s minds, and the art of writing a thank you note is not being passed down to the younger generations. It is becoming less and less common, and is a rarity that makes the people who still send them stand out and shine.
Reciprocity is another benefit of writing a thank you note. As people usually do not do nice gestures just to receive a thank you, it is always appreciated and gives the person reassurance that the relationship is being reciprocated by the other person. Expressing gratitude will make the person feel like their efforts were not only noticed, but appreciated as well.
When To Write A Thank You Note
The Golden Rule
Growing up, my mom taught me how and when to write thank you notes. The rule was simple: get a gift or receive over the top help or kindness from someone, write a note. We wouldn’t give notes out on the daily, but we used our discretion and wrote a note when it was appropriate. This has followed me to my adult life, and is such a habit and priority for me that I sometimes forget it is not a common gesture. Once you start sending thank you notes, it will become so natural to you, and you won’t even think twice about it.
Knowing what timeline to send a note out on is pretty simple, and I generally follow the one-week rule. Whenever I receive a gift or help of any kind, I send out the thank you note within a week of the gesture. Doing this so quickly will avoid forgetting about it, and will be received by the person in an appropriate time frame. You don’t want to send out a thank you note a month after you receive a birthday gift; as thank you notes are always appreciated, they tend to lose meaning when too much time has passed.
When it comes to larger events such as weddings, baby showers, house warming parties, etc., there is more leniency with the timeline. With weddings, the thank you notes generally need to be sent out within the first three months of being married. Personally, I feel that should be shaved down to a month. A lot happens in three months, and the longer you wait, the less motivated you’ll become. In addition to this, your guests will appreciate the quick turnaround, and will be impressed with your timeliness. With other events such as baby showers and wedding showers, having your cards in the mail within two weeks is ideal. As three weeks is acceptable, it is pushing the boundaries.
My Wedding Thank You Notes
Personally, I sent my wedding thank you notes out within two weeks of our wedding. I still had a fresh memory of the gifts we received, and prioritized getting them in the mail as soon as possible. At that time, I was a full-time grad student, and worked part time; I still managed to carve out time to complete them quickly. Using your schedule as an excuse as to why your thank you notes aren’t done yet is just that: an excuse. Prioritizing your thank you notes does not mean you aren’t busy, it just means they are important to you, and you know they need to get done.
Taking time out of your day to write them is temporary, and the sooner you’re done with them, the sooner you can check it off your to-do list. Setting aside an hour in the evening for a week or two will provide you with ample time to complete them. Giving yourself a deadline and setting your mind to it will help you to stay on schedule.
Ultimately, a thank you note is appreciated in any time-frame. However, the sooner you send them out, the better.
Creating A System
Creating a simple, organized system will provide a smooth process, and will help you send notes out more quickly and hassle-free.
Keep A Stock Of Supplies
Having a variety of note cards, stamps, and return labels is super helpful when it comes to writing thank you notes. Every couple of months, I buy both blank and “thank you” themed note cards. This will ensure that you never run out, and will give you a choice of what card you want to send out.
Having themed thank you notes is also a good idea, which can include Christmas thank you notes and other holiday-type themes. Planning ahead for larger events that will require thank you notes will make the process so much easier; for our wedding, I wanted to use a wedding photo on our note cards. I told this to my photographer, and we took a specific “thank you note” photo at our wedding. He provided this specific photo to us the day after our wedding, and I was able to insert it into my already chosen note card template. I ordered them with express shipping, and had them done and sent out within two weeks.
Pre-planning cards for events such as baby showers or birthday parties is simple; all you have to do is purchase a pack of appropriately themed notes beforehand. When the event is done, you can immediately start writing out your cards without having the hassle of finding cards in a hurry. Buying supplies like stamps and return labels ahead of time is also important to getting your notes sent out.
Have Addresses On File
For larger events, chances are if they attended, you already have their address since you sent them an invitation. Keeping an organized list or book of all the addresses you collect will ensure you have them all when it comes to sending thank you notes, and will also serve purpose in the future.
For birthday gifts or other acts of kindness, you can always directly ask the person for their address, or ask someone who you know has it. Writing down addresses for future use is just as important as getting them, and will avoid you having to ask the same person multiple times for their address. Making sure all addresses are up to date once you have a collection is also important, especially if you know someone has moved!
Write A List Of Gifts Received And Who Gave Them
Arguably the most important step of all! Getting a thank you note is special… unless you thank them for the wrong gift! That would be embarrassing for you, and confusing for them. Luckily, there are ways to avoid this.
For weddings, keeping track of gifts is relatively easy, since most couples only open them afterward. Having one person open and the other keeping track of who gave you what is a great way to organize your thank you note list. If you get sent gifts prior to the wedding through a registry, be sure to make a list of these as well.
For other events where gifts are traditionally opened during, there are two ways to keep the gifts organized. The first way is to have someone like a parent, sibling or friend stand beside you with a notebook and jot down the gift and gift giver. The second way is to open the gift, and then set it aside with the card it came with. This way is a little riskier than the first method, just because you risk losing the card or getting them mixed up accidentally. Having someone tape each card to each corresponding gift could avoid these mix-ups, but writing them down is always the best option.
Keeping a list of all gifts will allow you to write more personalized notes, rather than the bland and generic “thank you for the thoughtful gift” stunt. As this type of a note is better than nothing, taking the time to personalize each one is SO much better, and shows more intent and thoughtfulness in your words. Having this list will ensure that you do not forget someone, and will create an organized visual for you to refer to when you sit down to write the notes.
How To Write A Thank You Note: 6 Easy Steps
1. Opening
Using the word “Dear” before any name is a safe way to start a thank you note. Simply listing the names of the recipients is acceptable too, depending on what you feel is appropriate.
Dear Chris & Becca,
Chris & Becca,
2. Thank Them For The Gift Or Other Gesture
Begin by writing a sentence or two that expresses your gratitude, how what they did helped you, how you will use the gift, or how much you like the gift. Personalizing the note to what they got for you or did for you will make the person feel special, especially if they know you have multiple to write (like after a wedding). This will show that you took the time to properly thank each and every person thoroughly. Technical tip: always indent the first sentence of your note.
We/I wanted to thank you for the beautiful serving tray you gave to us/me as a housewarming gift. It goes perfectly with the style of our/my kitchen, and will be used for many years to come! We/I will think of you every time we/I use it, and it will no doubt make the food look classy and put together.
We wanted to thank you for the money gift you gave to us for our wedding. It was very generous of you, and it will be going straight into our house fund!
We/I wanted to thank you for plowing our/my driveway during our last snow storm. It was very observant of you to notice I was closed in, and taking the time to help me out is greatly appreciated. I had an important appointment that morning that I thought I was going to have to cancel, but because of you, I was able to make it! We are/I am lucky to have you as a neighbor!
3. Thank Them For Attending Or For Their Thoughtfulness
If there was an event involved with which you received the gift, it is nice to add a little sentence at the end of the note thanking them for their attendance.
Thank you so much for coming to our housewarming party. It was so special to have you both there to join in our celebration!
If the gift was for an event but the person did not attend:
Thank you for thinking of me/us, I/we really appreciate it!
Lastly, if there was no event and it was an act of kindness, add a sentence relaying your appreciation.
Your kindness means a lot, and it did not go unnoticed!
4. Sign Your Name(s)
The way you sign off is a personal preference. Some options include:
Love, (your name(s))
Sincerely, (your name(s))
Take Care, (your name(s))
There are many other options as well, and simply signing your name works too!
Putting It All Together…
Just for a full visual, one example from each section will be chosen for a mock thank you note. Notice how there is a clear opening, which states the reason for the note, a personalized section that talks about the specific gift, and a closing sentence thanking them for their attendance.
Dear Chris & Becca,
We wanted to thank you for the beautiful serving tray you gave us as a housewarming gift. It goes perfectly with the style of our kitchen, and will be used for many years to come! We will think of you every time we use it, and it will no doubt make the food look classy and put together. Thank you so much for coming to our housewarming party. It was so special to have you both there to join in our celebration!
Love, Michael & Samantha
5. Prepare Envelope
Address the front of the card, and add the correct postage and your return address.
6. Mail It Out!
Drop it in the mailbox, and you’re done!
Hopefully with this information, you can now send out thank you notes with confidence and class! Just remember that every note you send is keeping a beautiful tradition alive.
This post was all about how to write a thank you note.