This one’s for the homemakers and introverts who need a little reassurance. Follow along as I delve into 5 unpopular opinions revolving around being a homemaker and/or an introvert.
Before I begin: I know these are unpopular opinions, and some of you may disagree with them. These are just my opinions and thoughts based off of my life, and hopefully some of you can connect with them!
These are 5 unpopular opinions on homemaking and being an introvert.
5 Unpopular Opinions On
Homemaking & Being An Introvert
Being a homemaker and an introvert go hand in hand, and many homemakers are natural introverts. There are a lot of stereotypes revolving around being a homemaker and/or an introvert. However, these 5 unpopular opinions will give you the confidence to take them with grace and a grain of salt.
1. If It Works For YOU And Your Partner, Ignore The Rest
That’s right; if being a homemaker/introvert works for you and for your partner, that’s all that matters. Other people will always give their opinions, and as you can take it with grace, you should not take it to heart. A lot of people say things that have no meaning or that have nothing to do with your situation, and we have to learn how to remain respectful while respectfully ignoring them. This is not to say that some people’s inputs and opinions are not valid or even helpful, but that’s for you to decide. If being a homemaker works in your marriage and creates a healthy lifestyle for you and your partner, you can respectfully ignore any other opinion.
The same goes for being an introvert; there will always be extroverts who try to make you feel bad for being an introvert. As long as it works for you and in your lifestyle and relationships, there’s no need to overthink anything anyone else says to you about it.
2. You Don’t Need To Be Working Toward A Career
Homemakers-I know you’ve been asked the questions. You know, the ones that people think they have the right to ask you because they’re too curious not to ask. “So, are you looking for a job?” “Are you applying for jobs?” “What are you going to do next?” Those kinds of questions. When I first became a homemaker, I always had an answer ready that made it look like I was working toward something. “I’m applying for jobs.” I’m trying to figure out what I want to do.” “Right now I’m doing this…” I thought I had to please other people and live up to their expectations. After two and a half years of staying home, I am much more confident in my role, and don’t have a problem saying the truth to people.
When someone asks me if I’m looking for a job, I usually say something along the lines of “I’m not. I’m really happy with my role right now, and I’m just going with the flow!” I say it with a smile and with confidence. If the person doesn’t like this answer, that’s not on you! Just because you and your partner have chosen a different path does not give others the right to judge it. Being a homemaker is hard work, and has beautiful impacts. For me, that is all the career I need. If you’re interested in reading more on this topic, check out my post, “Being A Homemaker In The 21st Century.”
3. Not Everyone Needs A Lot Of Friends
Yup. I said it. Some introverts are completely content having only a handful of friends in their inner circle, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Being alone as a homemaker/introvert does not mean we are lonely, and a lot of people overlook this fact. Feeling at peace by being in your own presence is something that not everyone can do, but is a true sign of a content introvert. No drama, no noise (abstract & literal), and no obligations… yes please.
As homemakers, we sometimes don’t have as many opportunities to meet others. Spending a lot of time alone comes with the territory of being a homemaker. If you’re an introverted homemaker like I am, this does not pose an issue! Keeping in contact with those you are close with becomes more important in this scenario, and it strengthens those relationships you already have. A lot of homemakers are content with a small circle, and cherish the connections they do have and/or make!
4. Being Home Is Just Plain Peaceful
If you’re a true introvert, you’ll know exactly what this means and how it feels. Of course it’s healthy and fun to leave the house, but being home is just better. No people, no traffic, no noise, no stress. Sounds like a good time to me. Being in your own bubble is totally ok, contrary to what others may think. Staying home on a Saturday night and minding your own business has a certain charm to it, and very few things can beat it.
Being happy staying home on a Saturday night shows a certain level of being content and satisfied with the simple things. You’re not constantly looking for something to do, somewhere to go, or someone to do it with. My husband and I love staying home on Saturday nights to spend one-on-one time together after our week. We cook good food, cuddle on the couch, and enjoy being in each other’s company. It’s peaceful, private, and easy. This allows us to reconnect after a busy week! Just because it’s the weekend does not mean you need to go out or spend time with others. Staying home on the weekends is wildly underrated.
5. You’ve Only Missed An Opportunity If You Wanted It
“But don’t you want to travel?” “You’re missing out!” “You’re passing up a great opportunity.” Let me just say this: you’re only missing out on an opportunity if you want to take it and don’t. It’s not a missed opportunity if you don’t want it! Being an introvert and a homemaker can sometimes warrant these (rude) questions, which might even make you second-guess your lifestyle. Being in your own little bubble isn’t hurting anyone. You don’t have to take an opportunity just because someone else thinks you should!
There you have it, my 5 unpopular opinions on homemaking and being an introvert. I know there are some of you in this world who agree with these opinions, and I hope to have provided you with some reassurance that you are not alone!